Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When a bell rings...

When a bell rings, I first heard from Jimmy Stewart, an Angel gets their rings.  If you were to ask Cindarella what happens when a bell rings around here... she would (and may have already) tell you a very different story.  She would probably make reference to a very tiny 86 year old woman we call Gram, who happened to ring a very important bell for a not so important reason... not because of a fall, or pain, or discomfort, but because she awoke from a nap and wanted "a bite."  The bell is a new idea that we implemented to alleviate the constant stress of wondering not generate more stress.  Sometimes even great ideas stink.

Another thing that stinks - water lines are broken... so no water in the house for over 24 hours.

                           (see the lovely trucks planted afront the lawn?)

       Something that does not stink - the "Sno Shield" in a snow flurry.

Today was pretty okay for a Wednesday...

Todays random pictures from my phone, todays theme:
Things that scream Cinda

The froggy lunchbox that used to belong to Cinda that I now use to brighten my day...

                        Cindas slippers on my feet, this is a big deal...


1 comment:

  1. I love the random shots. Sorry to hear about your grandpa. I read it on your wife's blog. Very sad. But you did the right thing. Keep blogging! It'll be a great diary of your experience with TTC and all that comes after. Happy New Year!
